Addressing the Urgent Need to Support Women at Work

Addressing the Urgent Need to Support Women at Work

deloitte women @ work


For working women, the pandemic’s negative impact on their careers and livelihood has been significant, exacerbated by the loss of caregiving support and schooling – with many women unable to work from home having to leave employment to care for dependents, while those who could work from home were faced with a perfect storm of increased caring responsibilities and workload.


  • Leveraged Deloitte proprietary research and experts to identify impacts and actions to alleviate pandemic burdens on women
  • Conducted findings outreach to illuminate the unique experiences of this group, including through an intersectional lens
  • Utilized Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader Emma Codd as a spokesperson to secure a broadcast and print exclusive with MSNBC and NBC
  • Developed targeted content to reach different audiences around the world
  • Amplified content across owned and paid to show findings with a CTA
  • Engaged clients, public sector organizations, and the global business community directly to acknowledge challenges and implement change


  • Secured 46+ broadcast hits across NBC platforms, $1.1M equivalent in paid sponsorship
  • 175 total media placements in 18 countries
  • 1.4M impressions through Wall Street Journal digital ads and +429K views through Forbes BrandVoice
  • More than 16.7K site views, 1,064 video views & 2,971 downloads